Is to partner with communities to provide inspiration, mentoring, and financial support for first generation students to realize their dream of a college education.
While working for a youth development non-profit, Reggie Broddie had many requests from donors who wanted to help low-income students go to college. With a longtime Board member, Crispin Etherington, the two established a separate non-profit in 2000 to raise money specifically for financial scholarships for students who wanted to pursue and education after high school.
The Annapolis & Anne Arundel County Scholarship Trust has provided financial support and resources for students to attend colleges, universities or technical schools and build a better life for themselves and future generations. Over the last 17 years, the Annapolis Trust has provided over 60 scholarships that averaged $800/semester.
The Annapolis Trust also provides annual scholarships for students to attend the prestigious Gordonstoun International Summer School in Scotland. This learning experience dramatically expands the students’ horizons as they broaden their academic experience and learn about international cultures.
Will transform the mindsets of low-income students and the community in envisioning their future. The Trust will help students connect with opportunities to learn to their fullest potential, complete a post-high school education and become engaged members of the community. By investing in our youth’s education, we can cultivate leaders for generations to come.
Includes expanding mentoring services for middle and high school students and increasing community partnerships to create more opportunities for it’s students. A complete framework for students will let them envision a clear path to a higher education and career. It includes college preparatory workshops and summer camps, career exploration, mentoring, financial support and a job-recruiting network. This vision will evolve and grow because of individual donors, community groups, business, education and funding partners like you. ​